The Tithe Survey of England and Wales |
See Also:
Tithe Schedule
The schedule to the apportionment records land ownership, occupancy, landuse, size and rent charge due on a tithe area. It also includes a description or name of a tithe area and remarks. The forms for the schedule were provided to the surveyor and were uniform in most parts. The tithe areas were mostly fields, other areas being named in the description, e.g. 'Crag Pit', or 'Farm and Outbuildings'. The most interesting and most varied column within the schedule is the state of cultivation recorded for a tithe area. In most cases the landuse recorded is classed as arable, pasture, woodland and also included were especially valuable crops as hops or fruits. In some cases the surveyor actually recorded the individual crops. Still other surveyors left the column blank in areas were the tithe rent charge was calculated by area rather than state of cultivation. The global rent-charge could be apportioned property-by-property or field-by field, according to the wishes of the landowner. In addition the landowner could choose to have a gross sum apportioned on the whole estate or to have the gross sum assigned to the individual properties. Although it was easier to assign a gross sum to the whole estate, the preferred option of the commission was field-by-field apportionment. In cases where part of the estate was sold subsequent to the commutation of tithes, field-by-field apportionment would allay any dispute over tithes on the property. Tithe Schedules can be accessed in the PRO [external link] on microfilm (PRO Ref. IR29). | |
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